Eleven-month-old Lokman Hakim Mondol, who weighs 22 kilograms (48 pounds) is brought at a hospital by his grandfather Tabarak Mullick, in Calcutta, India, Monday May 9, 2005. His mother, Jnanera Bibi, tries to cool him with a hand fan. Lokman consumes 5 liters of milk and 1 kilogram of rice-flour every day and is suspected to be suffering from a rare hormonal disorder. (AP Photo/Sudipto Das)
ReplyDeleteI do pray that the doctors can find why this baby is so large. I have seen many children, (under five years old), that seem to have this same malady, on television shows, and in each case, the children were under the care of a physician.
I guess that the condition is world-wide? His (Mondol's) grandfather is a very strong, and seemingly loving person.
May GOD bless and keep them all. Amen.