Chat with Prasad.
The Good and the Bad at the moment!
prasad_7519: hi happy dussera dear
cgbalu: so after a long time...the happy news is that my daughter got Electrical and Electronics Engineening at the local college
prasad_7519: oho thats nice
cgbalu: what news there?
prasad_7519: i think i told u my daughter is in third year E n TC and son is in 1st year En TC engg
cgbalu: yeah how are they doing?
prasad_7519: fine
prasad_7519: how is dharward
cgbalu: fine....yesterday we went to the sharade temple.
This is the temple we are referring here:
prasad_7519: where we had gone the same?
cgbalu: very fine of your memory.....
prasad_7519: next sunday i am going to delhi chandigarh
cgbalu: very nice....I have a departmental exam....wish me to study well lol
prasad_7519: ohoo sure all the best
prasad_7519: i have my third japanese exam on 5th dec i am 100% sure i am going to fail
prasad_7519: no time for studies
cgbalu: thank you.....tell my regards to your family memebers. You can make it best of luck.
prasad_7519: thanks balu
cgbalu: happy time at delhi....take care best of luck.
prasad_7519: bye
cgbalu: bye....:)
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