Reverie is fine Morose is lousy.
This week-end I've to do some 'words' exercise.
The writing prompt, tells me to see the dictionary - pick up 10 words - don't worry much about the meanings and write something.
10 words is not the quantity of 'tea' for me.
Shall do the exercise with five words. Small Tea. Not High Tea!
Some days ago I was reading a novel "LOVE ALL"
Jotted down some words from that book.
My plan right now, is to write something using the five words. More words is okay.
Looked the meaning of these words in Bee- English Dictionary and have stored the words in a deck called: "LOVE ALL" Now making a write up with a heading:
The writing prompt, tells me to see the dictionary - pick up 10 words - don't worry much about the meanings and write something.
10 words is not the quantity of 'tea' for me.
Shall do the exercise with five words. Small Tea. Not High Tea!
Some days ago I was reading a novel "LOVE ALL"
Jotted down some words from that book.
My plan right now, is to write something using the five words. More words is okay.
Looked the meaning of these words in Bee- English Dictionary and have stored the words in a deck called: "LOVE ALL" Now making a write up with a heading:
Reverie is fine Morose is lousy.
Reverie state of mind on its own accord is a wonderful thing.
Reverie state of mind on its own accord is a wonderful thing.
Driving, the reverie works fine. It is more than a cinema, more than a dream, more than reading a novel.
Was thinking about what can I write using the words found in the novel "LOVE ALL" Was wondering what is beige color. It triggered the mind to my daughters school days, when she was wearing beige
pinafore and white blouse.
Now also when I see bevy of convent kids, I go back to my daughter's school days. And yes one day they had to wear blue skirt and White top too. (Saturday or Wednesday) The reverie stops on its own accord.
That's all. Little..... shall we call it a little meditation?
How fine it would be to have a discerning outlook. Finish my tasks in a jiffy.
The point is not pondering too much to do an exercise. Just do it. Don't worry whether it will come out well or not. The worry is always about paradigm.
Should not squatter over an it out ...maybe it will be good or bad....but the work is done. Take pride in that.
Shall I end this before I get some derisive comments.....? Shall I end this before the idea withers away?
Any good repartee for this?Not bad…I've used 10 new words....hurray.....High Tea!
The point is not pondering too much to do an exercise. Just do it. Don't worry whether it will come out well or not. The worry is always about paradigm.
Should not squatter over an it out ...maybe it will be good or bad....but the work is done. Take pride in that.
Shall I end this before I get some derisive comments.....? Shall I end this before the idea withers away?
Any good repartee for this?Not bad…I've used 10 new words....hurray.....High Tea!
Using ifttt I have the opening and ending of the twitter time line for a day. The end of the day 11 th April 2012 was:
It was a fantastic day. Good bye day. good night world. April 11, 2012 at 11:45PM
To the reply from chemingineer was:
@cgbalu How lucky you are! Everyday is fantastic for you.
— KayEss (@chemingineer) April 11, 2012
That is the blog for this week end. Next I will be going in search of another prompt.

Very nice!