Have decided to compose this blog entry, through sms only.
Without having the twitter interface before me, I can tweet my thoughts through TEXTS.
TEXTS could be sent through 'sms'. Sms tweeting facility is taken from this site.http://www.smstweet.in
Through my twitter I send TEXTS using my airtel connection to the number: 53000.
Texting helps me to think on a specific thought very happily.
Let me go ahead with recording twitter experiences in my blog.
Next for a change I shall come with a different experience of browsing bbc through my cell phone.
Next for a change I shall come with a different experience of browsing bbc through my cell phone.
For this entry I made use of evernote and imagechef.com
For html help I used blogger .com
The texting matter was smsed from my cell phone to evernote through twitter.
Hello there! Thank 4 ur share. http://kangjack.heck.in [follow me bro n thank u]
ReplyDeletethis is appreciable.!!!!!!i like it.