How forcible are right words! - Job 6:25

Nonplussed: Taken aback; brought to mental stand still; puzzled; in a quandary
Eulogized: praised highly; spoken in praise of life and character of someone.
Exorcised: Cast out as something evil expelled by prayer.
Engrossed: Absorbed; completely occupied.
Maundering: Grumbling; murmuring incoherently
Spawned: Generated or produced offspring brought forth abundantly.
Actuate: Incited to action; impelled
Pillories: Holds up to scorn; ridicules; abuses
Subjugate: conquer; subdue; made subservient
Asseverate: Assert emphatically: affirm positively; state solemnly
Deigns: condescends; thinks something worthy of some notice
Countermand: Recall by a contrary order; cancel
Expropriate: Takes from a private owner for public use; takes away from an individual for use by state.
Disparage: speak slightly; undervalue
(Another word some what stronger than disparage is DENIGRATE)
Berate: To scold severely; to rail at; to use insolent language.
Incite: Stir up; instigate; arouse; stimulate. (Another word with similar word is IMPEL. This means to drive or urge forward; to encourage or excite to action. To push or force forward.)
Ambition for instance will impel you to put forth greater effort.


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