Verbs for everyday use.

AVER: to declare positively.
Pander: to minister to the passions and prejudices of others, usually for personal benefit.
Beset: Harassed; embarrassed
Adjure: earnestly entreat; to urge; to appeal to
Inure: to harden or toughen; to become habituated.
Ineigle: to beg wile;
to wheedle; to persuade by deception or flattery
Belie: to give the lie to; to show to be wrong; to misrepresent.
Disgorge: to eject or to vomit.
Accost: to come up and speak to first
Coruscate: to sparkle flash; glitter.
Satiate: to fill to repletion; to satisfy beyond the natural desire.
Incriminate: to connect with crime or to charge with crime; to show to be guilty.

How forcible or right words! JOB 6:25


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