Verbs that suggest violence.

Lacerate: to tear (hurt one's feeling)
Ravage: to seize; to snatch away by force
Decimate: to take a tenth; to destroy a large part
Subvert: over throw; to turn
Extort: twist out; (use force)
Sabotage: to destroy a plant or machinery willfully so as to win a strike.
Jeopardize: in danger
Decapitate: off the head

What does a neighbor do when she hurts and wounds your feelings deeply?
She lacerates them.
What do enemy troops do when they lay waste to a country?
They ravage it.
What does army do to the forces of the enemy when it destroys a large part of the army?
It decimates them.
When revolutionists "turn under" the institutions of a country, when they overthrow and destroy its political structure, what do they do to that nation?
They subvert it.
How do the police under a dictatorship "twist out" or gain a confession from a prisoner?
They extort the confession.
What do the factory workers do to gain strike?
They sabotage the machinery.
When soldiers enter a dangerous battle they jeopardize their lives.
In China, what do the executioners usually do to their victim?
They decapitate him.

Bludgeon: to strike with a short club.
figuratively in arguments
"You can neither bludgeon nor cajole a person into accepting truth",
Garrott e: strangle
Glutted: filled to excess.
Writhe: Twist and contort.


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