Verbs of general value.

Arrogating: taking or claiming unreasonably.
Vitiate: to spoil
Stultified: Made to appear foolish
Alienate: to estrange; to separate, to make a stranger of
Aggrieved: subjected to ill treatment; unjustly injured
Confound: overwhelm; discomfort; perplex
Blighted: caused to decay; ruined, frustrated; withered; impaired
Denude: strip the covering from
Countervail: offset; oppose with equal power; thwart
Disdain: to scorn; to consider unworthy, to think unsuitable and beneath one.

  1. They are arrogating to themselves the attributes of God Almighty.
  2. This cheap and sensational literature will vitiate the reading habits of our children.
  3. He attempted to make a gracious speech in reply but was stultified by him timidity.
  4. He seemed almost determined to alienate my affections.
  5. Every family was aggrieved by the new and extortionate taxes.
  6. They were so badly nourished that both intelligence and energy were blighted.
  7. If they practice what they preach they will confound the critics of free private enterprise.
  8. Nothing can countervail our march to victory.
  9. Man may, in a measure, denude his heart of dreams.
  10. I distain to drape grim reality with pretty phrases.


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