Verbs of general value.
Arrogating: taking or claiming unreasonably.
Vitiate: to spoil
Stultified: Made to appear foolish
Alienate: to estrange; to separate, to make a stranger of
Aggrieved: subjected to ill treatment; unjustly injured
Confound: overwhelm; discomfort; perplex
Blighted: caused to decay; ruined, frustrated; withered; impaired
Denude: strip the covering from
Countervail: offset; oppose with equal power; thwart
Disdain: to scorn; to consider unworthy, to think unsuitable and beneath one.
- They are arrogating to themselves the attributes of God Almighty.
- This cheap and sensational literature will vitiate the reading habits of our children.
- He attempted to make a gracious speech in reply but was stultified by him timidity.
- He seemed almost determined to alienate my affections.
- Every family was aggrieved by the new and extortionate taxes.
- They were so badly nourished that both intelligence and energy were blighted.
- If they practice what they preach they will confound the critics of free private enterprise.
- Nothing can countervail our march to victory.
- Man may, in a measure, denude his heart of dreams.
- I distain to drape grim reality with pretty phrases.
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