A woman smiles during the opening of the traditional street carnival in Cologne, Germany, on Thursday. The women’s carnival ‘Weiberfastnacht’ marks the beginning of the crazy days in Germany, that reach the highpoint with mass processions of millions on Rosemonday. AP Thanks Deccan Herald 12-02-2010 Oasis SWAMI SUKHABODHANANDA An opportunity to grow Someof us think; many of us think we think; but most of us never even think of thinking. To think wisely is to make life a process of growing. The art of wise parenting is to foster and empower children to deal with the dimension of growing and that is possible, if wise thinking is injected into children. Life can be a process of growing or a process of aging. Aging means Adding years to your life. Growing means Adding life to your years. It is very important for parents to teach children to add life to their years. I observe very few people are really growing. To grow up is very different from growing old. Growth also involves cashing on d...