
Showing posts from February, 2010


How forcible are right words! job 6:25

Verbs of action.

Devastate: lay waste Enjoin : urge Instigate : goad to action Effectuate: bring about Expedite: speed up Preempt: acquire before hand Coerce: force Extirpate: root out Commandeer:  seize for military or public use Embroil: Involve Abdicate: resign from a kingship Narrate: tell or relate Vindicate: Clear from suspicion Obliterate: blot out completely Dedicate: set apart for a solemn purpose Dictate: command with authority Precipitate: start a sudden and premature action Emulate: vie with; (to be admired at)

One - syllable verbs of power.

Flaunt: to make a vulgar display. Flout: to treat with contempt. Flay: to criticize severely. Flail: to beat Prate: to talk foolishly. Rail: to utter loud complaints. Wreak: to inflict as vengeance. Raze: to demolish Cloy: to tire, as with too much sweet. Foist: to palm off slyly.


A woman smiles during the opening of the traditional street carnival in Cologne, Germany, on Thursday. The women’s carnival ‘Weiberfastnacht’ marks the beginning of the crazy days in Germany, that reach the highpoint with mass processions of millions on Rosemonday. AP Thanks Deccan Herald 12-02-2010 Oasis SWAMI SUKHABODHANANDA An opportunity to grow Someof us think; many of us think we think; but most of us never even think of thinking. To think wisely is to make life a process of growing. The art of wise parenting is to foster and empower children to deal with the dimension of growing and that is possible, if wise thinking is injected into children. Life can be a process of growing or a process of aging. Aging means Adding years to your life. Growing means Adding life to your years. It is very important for parents to teach children to add life to their years. I observe very few people are really growing. To grow up is very different from growing old. Growth also involves cashing on d...

Verbs of general value.

Arrogating: taking or claiming unreasonably. Vitiate: to spoil Stultified: Made to appear foolish Alienate: to estrange; to separate, to make a stranger of Aggrieved: subjected to ill treatment; unjustly injured Confound: overwhelm; discomfort; perplex Blighted: caused to decay; ruined, frustrated; withered; impaired Denude: strip the covering from Countervail: offset; oppose with equal power; thwart Disdain: to scorn; to consider unworthy, to think unsuitable and beneath one. They are arrogating t o themselves the attributes of God Almighty. This cheap and sensational literature will vitiate the reading habits of our children. He attempted to make a gracious speech in reply but was stultified by him timidity. He seemed almost determined to alienate my affections. Every family was aggrieved by the new and extortionate taxes. They were so badly nourished that both intelligence and energy were blighted. If they practice what they...

Verbs of Denial.

Abjure: to disclaim; to renounce and forswear under oath. Ostracize: to exclude socially Repudiate: to refuse to acknowledge Proscribe: to prohibit Nullify: to make useless Confute: to prove to be wrong. Rescind: to appeal; to annul; to conceal

Verbs that deal with human traits.

Languish – become weak. Commiserate – sympathize Abhor – detest, hate Gormandize – eat voraciously Condone – forgive Importune – ask ceaselessly Grovel – crawl at someone feet. C ovet - desire intensely Malinger – feign sickness; act sickness Expiate – atone for; repent for.