some times I feel happy when I get material to blah..blah about.
These're good quotes I relished in the recent Readers Digest:
ha ha I'm one such creep!
Good's that if we double click the quotation authors, we will know more about them. will help us. The good back with this post.
Shall take help for image storage.

some times I feel happy when I get material to blah..blah about.
These're good quotes I relished in the recent Readers Digest:
"I Wake up laughing every day.
I get a kick out of life" - BRUCE WILLIS "
My favorite thing about the Internet is that you get to go into the private
world of real creeps without having to smell them." - PENN JILLETTE
ha ha I'm one such creep!
Good's that if we double click the quotation authors, we will know more about them. will help us. The good back with this post.
Shall take help for image storage.
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