The Good and the Bad at the moment!
imgna: hi balu!!
imgna: how r u?
mscribbler: fine...had your snacks?
imgna: almost dinner her actually
imgna: im just relaxing
imgna: hows work?
mscribbler: ic.....u seem to use the internet a lot....relaxing that way?
imgna: hahahah
imgna: yes in a way
mscribbler: a so so day.....
imgna: and also my friend from bombay is online
mscribbler: very is your friend? you may if you wish tell that there is a madscribbler at Hubli
imgna: yes i'll be glad to tell him that
imgna: great
mscribbler: what does he do? our age group?
imgna: yes almost
imgna: he is only 39
mscribbler: ic he is younger......
imgna: he have a business
imgna: but he is not yet married
mscribbler: i c..waiting......
imgna: in a way yes. though i kept telling him he should fine a nice woman there.. but he too choosy
imgna: so hows ur daughter?
mscribbler: let him also become a parent...
imgna: yes.. and he will be like us.. :D
mscribbler: ah that is nice....she got a new uniform color....she looks wonderful in that dress.
imgna: ahhh sweet daddy
mscribbler: a parent I don't want to let the people alone....they should also do something like us.....:-O
imgna: hahahah u r right
mscribbler: yes their head should reel....:-S
imgna: hahahha
imgna: r u at the batcave?
mscribbler: yeah some relaxation.....
imgna: is it far ur place
mscribbler: no....just two minutes from my home
imgna: so its just a walking distance then
mscribbler: yes.....I think I am sharing some pictures with you....
imgna: ok
imgna: what will i do to view it?
mscribbler: I think it is loading in the IMvironment.......I think there is a phots Icon there......
imgna: ok.. just hang on.. my server is quite slow
mscribbler: ok......
imgna: there
mscribbler: you could see some pictures....
imgna: yes im seeing now
mscribbler: bit mad at collecting pictures also....
imgna: where u get all these pics
mscribbler: browsing......
imgna: balu
imgna: sorry i have to log off soon. i need to call my brother
mscribbler: okay bye take care...
imgna: bye for now
imgna: take care
mscribbler: bye...:))
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