
Showing posts from November, 2004


The Good and the Bad at the moment! GOOD:Hat Pin, from Freewind A man goes up to the minister at the local church. "Reverend," he said, "We have a problem. My wife keeps falling asleep during your sermons. It's very embarrassing, not to mention disrespectful. "What should I do?" "I've noticed this and have an idea if you're up to the task," said the minister. "Take this hatpin with you. I will be able to tell when Mrs. Jones is sleeping, and I will motion to you at specific times. When I motion, you give her a good poke in the leg." So, in church the following Sunday, Mrs. Jones dozed off. Noticing this, the preacher put his plan to work. "And who made the ultimate sacrifice for you?" he said, nodding to Mr.Jones. "Jesus!" Mrs. Jones cried out as her husband jabbed her in the leg with the pin. "Yes! You are correct, Mrs. Jones!" came the minister's quick reply. Soon, Mrs...


The Good and the Bad at the moment! GOOD:A quotation from PICTURE:


The Good and the Bad at the moment! GOOD: A couple were returning to their seats after a trip to the movie theater concession stand. "Did I step on your toes on the way out?" the guy asked the man at the end of the row. "You certainly did," the man responded angrily. "All right," the husband said to his wife. "This is our row." In my other windows: Kanchi The proceedings of the seers arrest. What will happen?


The Good and the Bad at the moment! GOOD:There I am going to attend the paper II, a few minutes from now. At mycyber just I am scribbling. BAD:I sat upto 12.00 last night imbibing things. I was supposed to sit 3.00 a.m. The mind refused to imbibe things after 12.00. I did not sleep. Thought and thought of little about exams and more about other lousy things. There is a guilt that I did not sleep nor imbibe things. There it goes on...


The Good and the Bad at the moment! BAD:Hey, it is just a struggle. Make it. You have gone through everything. You will retain them in mind. Just sit, go on....think whtever you like...but just go on. God, help me to imbibe things just this day please.


The Good and the Bad at the moment! GOOD:I need confidence now. Boss wished me well, and said to write the exam with confidence.


The Good and the Bad at the moment! GOOD:Post I say. There are two days left for the examination. I should do well. I should do well with all my coolness converged to a point.


The Good and the Bad at the moment! PICTURE: my imageShack


The Good and the Bad at the moment! BAD:Taking today till 19th Nov. I have just 16 days left for the examinations. The by hearting part is to be done. I have to keep the mind very cool - very very cool - not allowing anything else except for the by hearting part. This morning I had the feeling of not doing enough - this is not enough - I should put in more effort - leave sleep and put into mind the examination related words and sentences. I should write things examination connected things. I should talk examination connected things. Some how I should make it.


div_105 Originally uploaded by sparky_mark . wow, this is a nice picture.


The Good and the Bad at the moment! BAD:It is good to post the bad things at the moment. Well, time is flying. I just can't sit tight to study for the exam. Even, if I sit tight the sujects are not going into the skull, to be reproduced later. There are lots and lots of things to be memorised. The coming fifteen days I should sit for memorising things. Ah, the reading part I have done - that is good. Now, to memorise. One plan is to have a blog - just write like this in a place - with imagination - bringing in the office atmosphere to mind, linking the work I do with the subject. This morning a trial is made: There are sixteen Railway zones. 1c 3e 5n 5s 2w


The Good and the Bad at the moment! GOOD:mscribbler: hello again today's work over...just saw your noting on the OD imgna: hi balu!! imgna: how r u? mscribbler: fine...had your snacks? imgna: almost dinner her actually imgna: im just relaxing imgna: hows work? mscribbler: ic.....u seem to use the internet a lot....relaxing that way? imgna: hahahah imgna: yes in a way mscribbler: a so so day..... imgna: and also my friend from bombay is online mscribbler: very is your friend? you may if you wish tell that there is a madscribbler at Hubli imgna: yes i'll be glad to tell him that imgna: great mscribbler: what does he do? our age group? imgna: yes almost imgna: he is only 39 mscribbler: ic he is younger...... imgna: he have a business imgna: but he is not yet married mscribbler: i c..waiting...... imgna: in a way yes. though i kept telling him he should fine a nice woman there.. but he too choosy imgna: so hows ur daugh...


The Good and the Bad at the moment! SEARCH: So I am in search of things for my examinations. 1) J.K.Rowling. 2)Chairman of Railway Board. 3)Author of Pride and prejucice. 4)Meaning of the word Reconnainssance. Definition: [n] the act of reconnoitring (especially to gain information about an enemy or potential enemy) 5)Meaning of the word Theodolite. Definition: \The*od"o*lite\, n. [Probably a corruption of the alidade. See {Alidade}.] An instrument used, especially in trigonometrical surveying, for the accurate measurement of horizontal angles, and also usually of vertical angles. It is variously constructed. Note: The theodolite consists principally of a telescope, with cross wires in the focus of its object glass, clamped in Y's attached to a frame that is mounted so as to turn both on vertical and horizontal axes, the former carrying a vernier plate on a horizontal graduated plate or circle for azimutha...

One more chat recording.

The Good and the Bad at the moment! GOOD: cgbalu: good morning gennie:) imgna: balu! imgna: how r u? cgbalu: fine today is a holiday - local rajyosthava i.e state formation day. imgna: the whole of india? cgbalu: no our state - karnataka where we speak kannada imgna: ok imgna: is it holiday too in bombay? cgbalu: at office? No holiday at Bombay imgna: ok imgna: my best friend lives in bombay cgbalu: u r at office? - where is the friend working? imgna: its holiday here. "all soul's day" cgbalu: i.c. how are children? imgna: my friend have his own business in bombay. he live in fountain. r u familiar with the place? cgbalu: a sister in law is residing there..... imgna: in fountain? cgbalu: no they live in a place called vikroli....she is a nurse..... imgna: ok imgna: so how r u doing? u r in the bat cave again? :D cgbalu: how r children? hope you r better.... imgna: a little better imgna: but still have cough and colds cgbalu...


Veerapan photo by: cgbalu Veerapan is a Villian Hero. He was shot dead. Many questions like by whom he was let to live so long will remain un answered. Though he was a villian pouching forest - killing Elephants for tuskers- supporting terrorist groups - kidnapping people he remained a hero and made the society to remember him. BAD: Trail of blood and gore 1955: Veerappan at the age of 10, poaches an elephant. Over 25 years, he kills 300 tuskers for ivory. 1986: The Karnataka police nab Veerappan; he escapes killing 4 policemen and a forest official. Jan. 1990: Kills a sub-inspector and a head constable after the Tamil Nadu (TN) police shoot 2 of his colleagues. May 1990: Govt sets up Special Task Force (STF) to nab Veerappan. Nov. 1991: Beheads R. Srinivas, deputy conservator of forests. Feb. 1992: Kidnaps the son of a granite quarry owner in Karnataka for a ransom of Rs 1 crore. Quarry owner pays Rs 15 lakh. June 1992: STF kills 4 of Veerappan’s gang...