
Showing posts from July, 2016


The best hack #soothe — Girmit (^‿^) (@cgBalu) July 17, 2016

The old feel #diary

Good. Bad. Good. Bad. Analyse. Read. Write something. When not fully engaged with work, or when the work requires others involvement, opinion or approval and I'm made to wait for such things, the mind goes to lethargic mood and thinks all sorts of nonsense. One nonsense is the feeling that the world is full of young people. I checked the Reddit for subreddits meant for 50 plus people. (I'm 55+) There is one subreddit for 50+ Oh, plenty of dating sites are there for 50+ people. More 50+ sites are there for women. The Women 50+ sites say feeling 30 at 50! So, thinking about age is nonsense? Live young.

Reading the #diary for the past fortnight.

Good. Bad. Good. Bad. Analyse. Read. Write something. I learnt yesterday that by properly searching  Twitter I can get my diary entries in a line. I can bring to my computer screen the daily writings datewise. This day I was reviewing the past 14 days entries and tried to bring in me some better insights. I've used mywapblog, Facebook, Zoho writer, WordPress, JotStory and dropbox paper to write these 100 words diary everyday. During the past fortnight, I was thrilled at Juno mission, regretted a bit about the small tiffs and trying to catch the mornings actively. Trying to catch hold of one small chore of preparing coffee Tweets about #diary lang:en from:cgBalu since:2016-06-30 until:2016-07-15 include:retweets

Buffer 💖GIFs! Great GIFs for Social Media #bufferGIFs

from Facebook via IFTTT

The Scottish Scoundrel Who Changed How We See Data

from Facebook via IFTTT


I should write something fast. I should not bog my mind thinking what to write. I should not also over think about the facility I should take to write. A simple word utility from MS will do. The words are automatically counted. This month, whatever I write will be uploaded to Zoho writer. Sunday’s I should change the blogging place. Today is Saturday and tomorrow, I will change the place to put in 100 words. Thinking of Face book notes. If things work out well and I find interesting things to write I shall make the writing for seven days.


Why am I feeling guilty? The  plans were fantastic. I took a day off. In a relaxed way I can take her to the function. The more relaxation, the more fun will be the relaxation. The people who invited us for the function had invited us in a grand way. They had given wife a nice  Sari . She  wore it with all interest. The function was house warming ceremony and naming ceremony. I did my best to take her to the function. The road was slushy and we could not reach the destination. Something good intended could not be accomplished.