Stories are the only things we are all left with

after all these mad scribblings are about good bad and searches!


I found a new idea to post this entry.
This idea I got from twitter time line.
The idea of this blog is searching the good, bad in life.
This idea is well expressed in this tweet.

NT @NehaT_1d I can write stories about this day. The good ones and the bad ones. And these stories are the only thing I'd be left with.
@NehaT_ Stories are the only things we are all left with, in all days, isn't it? :)
So the idea I am following when I write diary entry.
The good thing I'm doing now is writing a diary successfully through e mail and the site I use is "Oh life"

Another good thing I want to follow from this entry on wards, is that plan for the next entry in the previous blog.

So the plan for the next blog is to explain how use my "Ohlife"


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