Good this was at my blogger as a draft for some time....Made a schedule blog and will appear on Mondayl aturday 5th December 2009 kolangal 07:47 and kadasila, director-yE naaikutty maadhiri handbag thookka vechuttaaLE. .symbolic shot? thanks y! groups from web Friday 4th December 2009 pradepkumar 22:08 Let historians mark this day special .Let the state sink in chaos.Let people shout out from their rooftops.That KOLANGAL ended today ! from TwitterGadget retweeted to you by kolangal rajeshpadman 21:44 Three cheers for kolangal, feeling very happy that its all over. Now can have dinner earlier. from Tweets60 retweeted to you by kolangal aishu_s 22:00 The woman who played Abi's mother must be the only person on tv who cried in each and every episode. She should be awarded. #k...