Verbs of violent criticism

words are the dress of disparage thoughts - chesterfield.

Forwarded Funnies: The Older We Get...

  1. Excoriate: 'to strip off the skin" metaphorically, "he would extol his own friends and excoriate his opponents"
  2. Castigate: "to punish with the rod; to chastise, chasten or discipline; (also) " to rebuke or criticize severely" as " the girl would castigate him with angry words"
  3. Revile: abuse or reproach in offensive or scandalous language. "He was a vilent man who would reward his followers and revile his enemies"
  4. Derogate: "to propose a law against"  when you derogate someone "you take away from" his importance.You disparage him in the eyes of others and detract from his influence as: "The author did everything in his power to derogate the President's reputation"
  5. Inveigh: to attack with words.
  6. Inpun: to fight against
  7. Traduce:to lead across, to expose to shame through slanderous remarks.
  8. Stigmatize: a mark of disgrace.  When you stigmatize a person or a thing, you brand the object with a mark of shame.
  9. Asperse: You sully and spot a man's reputation by "sprinkling" it with scandalous remarks.
  10. Caluminate: the jealous always calumniate the successful
  11. Disparage: we disparage his achievements - we belittle them.
  12. Malign: When we malign a person we speak evil things about him behind his back.
  13. Vituperate: "I listened to the prisoner vituperate  the judge" That is, the prisoner railed at the judge and assailed him with abuse.
  14. Vilify: when you vilify a person you are attempting to degrade and debase him or his acts and make them appear "vile" to others.


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