
Showing posts from December, 2009

Relish it.

This post here will be available in face book too under notes. 2009 year was a fantastic year for my scribbling on the net. Simply I went to twitter. It said only 140 characters but the 140 characters leads to to try several things. tinyurl, tweetfeed, friendsfeed, through mobile, through yahoo, through opera the options are many. All the options cannot be savoured at a time. So, let me relish the internet slowly and steadily as far as possible enjoying all the facilities offered there.

coco cola

Cococola bottle through ages


madscribblings after all these mad scribblings are about good bad and searches! The beginning of madscribblings Good, I shall just visit my old posts and try to give a new look.


___________________________________________________ after all these mad scribblings are about good bad and searches! ____________________________________________________ During 2001, when my blogging began, at with an altogether different interface, I never expected that a day would come when I’ll be twitting the ‘mad scribbling.’ (Good) Content wise or readership wise the ‘mad scribbling’ has not improved. But many latest inclusions (add element) like video, news, double clicking etc were tried . (Good for the trial and bad for not improving the content) The research quality should be improved, so that I can make up a good article based on the research (Bad) One idea which is not materialized is, searching my search history at Google web. The search histories were cleared a couple of times and I think, I will have one year’s history now. I could make a write up based on the trends of my search. (Bad…when will I search my Google search?) Of course the latest i...

The New Family Dinner.

Kids who eat with their family do better in school and are less likely to smoke, drink, do drugs or get into fights than those who are left to their own devises at dinner time. This is true and the Readers Digest article I read in Oct'09 issue was good.