Olympic bronze medallists Vijender Singh (left) and Sushil Kumar at their felicitation in Bangalore on Thursday. DH PHOTO I enjoyed this photo in Deccan Herald today. I enjoyed this middle in Deccan Herald today. RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE Vignettes from a bibliophile By Sharbelle Fernandez Reading adds to the font of trivia stashed away in her interested mind. Groucho Marx said, “I find television very educative. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” Reading is indeed, a wonderful hobby. I find it very enlightening and often, amusing. The trivia that I have collected is notable. Allow me to share some of it with you. I remember reading Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. In it was one of the longest sentences that I had ever read. It had eight hundred and twenty three words, ninety-three commas, fifty-one semi colons and four dashes. Presently, William Faulkner’s novel Absalom holds the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest sentence. It has one...