
"Do it now" is a nik(c)e quotation. I have postponed and have totally forgotten to do several "do it now" tasks. I wanted to write something on the impact of quotations from learned people in my life. After several postponements I am doing it now! Quotations, like coffee or tea try to keep the mind active for some time. A proverb like "Too many cooks spoil the broth" gives me solace when some plan at the office or home de-rails, because of too many discussions and very many information's from all the members. But, "Many hands make light work" proverb is also there. When to use this? May be when the responsibility of work affects all?! I had saved many quotations for a rainy day in my memory. When I got the rainy day for writing this, quotations did not come back from my memory. So what? "Tomorrow will take care of itself!" "With age comes wisdom" – When I read this quotation my mind was very much poised, as if I had a spe...