BABA’s HIT There were four queues for Baba’s Darshan at the Samadhi Mandir, Shiradi. Two line on the left and two on the right. The middle two queues were centered. If we get into this queue we can have a centralized darshan of Sai Baba. When I went with my mother, I could get only the side queue. The second time when I went with children and wife, I could not make it to the middle ordered line. I accompanied my mother on the aged cum handicapped quota which avoided the hale and healthy queue of Baba’s devotees. There was a shiny silver haired old lady very active and flexible. As we went along the line, she quickly inserted herself inside the barricaded poles to go over to the centre queue. (Lane crossing). Happily she had the middle view darshan of Baba. Mother and I had to be content with side view darshan. Coming to the time when I went with wife and children, I prompted my flexible wife about the activity of the silver haired woman, the previous day. My super active wife ma...