Achievements III

This months post of achievements. Computers. The fact is getting a print out of the soft data, I type on the computer is a Herculean task for me.I do not know adjusting the paper set up. Bulky work on the excel sheet with different formulae is not the baby I can handle. Nor can I handle fantastic table and writing work on the "word". Too many options! If I don't use an option too frequently I forget the same. Of course I have people to do all these for me. That is a fine thing!I am very confident in writing in the note pad. (Simply type....tack...tack...tack). I am also good at blogging sharing funny things and family pictures.So these are the results of my trials on the computer and am able to express myself a little through blogs.In spite of trainings in microsoft office and data related programmes (Oracle), data's are 'bete noire' for me! The operating system is not for my system, In spite of my several attempts on the computer right from the DOS command da...