When I started this one month one post business, I wanted to decorate the posting with a calendar picture. I did it okay, but I reaslised that these pictures pertain to the year 2007.
That is like my achievements....ha
....ha.....late and useless.
God has created me to speak few words.
He has created me, only to remember lyrics of songs to a maximum of ten words.
I cannot recall the musical thing at all.
Yet, when alone I try to sing thoseten words with bad musical tones. Lyrics with inspirational words attract me.Fortunately I did not try singing.But tried talking on the stage. Teachers tried to put me to speak a vote of thanks for a school function, when I was infourth standard. But the teachers blamed me for wearing a dull shirt.I tried Drama when I was in sixth standard. I spoke dialouges like reading!
At the college I was given a chance to speak about writer Sujatha - when he visited our college. Benny Joseph and Carlos, my teachers at thecollege spoke well about the writer. I managed to speak telling the Audience, that whatever I had in my mind, was spoken by the earlier speakers and blabbered something about the characters created by the writer: Ganesh and Vasanth. Writer Sujatha thanked the speech mentioning about my shyness and the fact that because the earlier speakers spoke a lot and I had little to say.(Matter is, I had that much only to speak)
Life went on, gaping with envy me peers: Srivatsan, Gopalakrishnan, Suchindranath Iyer, Jaganath and girls who were all made up for debate and public speaking.
At the office functions - small functions I had few opportunities of speaking.Among the few - a fewever were satisfactory. But did not gratuate likeDeshpande, Shankara Narayana Bhat, Parthasarathy and Mahanthappa for doing in bigger functions where mike was provided.
One small bigger event is worth mentioning here.Our cultural association organised a speech contest. It was under the leadershipof Deshpande and Shankara Narayana Bhat. Deshpande provided a nice topic about future of India. The speech could be done in Kannada English and Hindi.I took some GM's speech phrases and made a fantastic script at a Railwaystation waiting room. Practised. Felt a 'low 'when a lady wished my friend "all the best" before going to the speech. Some how made the speech.My friend won the contest. I did not get even a II or III place also.I am good at one to one conversations. But fail miserably at a group.And that is it. God has created me to speak few words only and that too with one person only.
I must say that the following two teaching efforts I made during my college days were very sincere.
Having failed to go for Engineering, I thought I could do something in the teaching line. These were done during my undergratuate days.
The inter collegiate competition for teaching Science subjects was to be held at National College Govribindanur. The selection was held in our college.
I was subscribing to a science magazine: "Science Today" I chose a subject: "Four coloured problem". The article said that using only four colours one can project the maps of the world. The article with illustration gave a beautiful picture of the maps of the world.
I explained to the audience what all I could gather from the article. Raghu who was a participant and said something about 'quarks' was selected. He told me that I did not have a perfect hold on the subject.
I tried once more the following year. This time my subject was "Polymers" I went to the Public library and gathered information form Encyclopodeias. I went on stage. Explained "Polymers" Then the audience began to ask questions. I blinked!
Baby Mathew, my chemistry lecturer came to my rescue. He clarified the all C's and H's of the Polymers. I did not succeed in going to Gowribindanur National College for Finals.
So, I am not good at teaching.
Some small opportunities I got in my career too. I had to teach some elementary English and Maths to class IV promotee exam. They welcomed my teaching. And one day I was sent to a class by my officer to teach to other Department employees when the officer could not find anybody. I had to teach them something about Railway subjects. I was not prepared about the subject, however I managed with a subject: "Advances in Railways" I could answer some questions put forth by the employees (The fact was that they were completely ignorant about the subject)
The latest teaching experience was teaching the subject "Note making, drafting letter writing and filing to the newly joined Junior Accounts Assistants and Accounts Clerks. There were two batches. In the second batch I tried projecting specimen copies of the D.O letter. The students made thank you affair grandly to all the instructors. Momentoes were given to us. The first batch students gave a thank you note also.
That was my teaching experience....Hope still I can try?
Girls: Getting attracted towards girls according to the appropriate age requirements was good and natural. But getting them for dates was absolutely bad. Perhaps I was not attractive to them being a dullard!
Destiny put me at total boys school and college. Even the works I joined were all filled with males. Girls joined when I left those institutions! Curves and cleavages attracted me. Sarees, skirts, churidars attracted me. Tight fitting pants made me to crave for patting the sexy posteriors. Everything could be done in fantasies - just like other desires.Jayalitha, Sreedevi were my dream heroines. Silk Smitha came to me in a wet dream too. In real life also there were fantasy heroines. All fantasy and nothing else. I could not become a Casanova!
Now, middle aged I restrict my looking at girls aged beyond 35 only.
Happy to say that I succeeded in loving only one woman that is my wife. Though there is lots of love to be given to others also .....I did not have a chance to do so
One more essay on achievements next month.
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