Or is this only for me? When I want to take a copy of an important paper, the xerox machine is not working. If the xerox machine works, paper is not available. If machine and paper are alright; when I press the 'copy' button, the machine copies out some other paper which a colleague had ordered the machine to copy earlier - in bulk.
When I go to office, with lots and lots of motivation to do a proposal which was bothering me for the past fifteen plus days and sit at it with full focus and enthusiasm - the boss calls for a wretched old reference. The searching of the old reference saps all my energy. The reference is not traceable, the present work on hand is shelved and when I go home in the evening the nasty feeling of not accomplishing anything lingers tight on the mind. The soaps and the news on the TV are only images that simply go before my eyes. In my mind: 'why. . Why am I not able to move the office work like my officer?'
The next morning getting up is okay; but not enthusiastic. 30% of things not moving and 70% things moving will be alright. But not a situation where 110% work go beserk. Add to this the self boasting of the boss saying that he has achieved this and that during his past service. (I have not seen these achievements is another matter) When I open my mouth to say an achievement of my past, I am snubbed. With the above thoughts I try to wake my dear child who has just recently done his SSLC exam.
"Get up. . get up" (what a lovely father!)
The fellow is like a log.
Hearing sensation is completely off.
Poor darling. . . let him have some more sleep.
I keep my cool. I doodle some more time with my office plans. The image of barking boss is inescapable!
My fellow has instructed us to shake him lightly.
Lovingly, I shake him.
Fellow never opens his eyes.
Tighten his body.
My mind begins to tighten. If somebody sees me at this juncture, they can see the tightness of my mind on the face. (It takes many muscles to frown; little muscle power to smile. Ha ha) I shake my son more vigorously, only to see his muscles tightening more.
Nope. He does't get up.
I begin to shout.
My wife shouts better than me with good venomous words.
Oh. . . I'm not good even at shouting when compared with my boss and wife.
After all these hullo bullo....at a stage, perhaps my son's mind said "Go" he gets up. Takes his own sweet time at the toilet, yawns several times like a lion before the wash basin mirror in preparation of brushing his teeth. Then with a cuppa of coffee, which his mother gives him with additional doses of negativities, he is hale and healthy to do his other activities.
I go to office thinking: 'why why for me alone the office work is not going smoothly? It is difficult to wake my son up? Suddenly a thought dawns to me:
"IT HAS TO BE LIKE THAT." I smile for a very brief moment, again to go down to think about office and son negatively.
Brilliant my friend, absolutely brilliant ...strangely enough this sounds uncannily similar to my life, even though we're 1000's of miles apart, ...I wonder how many 1000's of other people are feeling the same?