Calendar. I have some calendar related matter to BLOG. Here this 2008, I have twelve glamorous calendar sheets, from the YAHOO groups "fun on the net". The first one goes with this post. I cant dream of possessing Vijaya Mallaya's special calendar, which is done with a band of professional photographers and sleek models. During 1982, when I was working for MADRAS AUTO SERVICE, I took an extra calendar for my friend. When I was rolling the calendar up, the manager stepped down the stairs. He saw me rolling the calendar sheet, 'BOW' he shouted at me. I guiltily told him that I was taking it to a friend. He fired me. He said I was looting the company. Oh. . , I was not good at snatching things from the company or rather, it was my bad luck that I was caught. Who is not happy to receive a new year calendar and diary? The happy thing happened when I was working at BEML railway siding during 1984. Two nice calendars with nice huge earth moving equipment pictures and a...