The Good and the Bad at the moment!
GOOD: Sigh!
I could send some soap gift to an internet friend.
Bought the soap at Kaveri.
Packed it at the shop....sent by VRL to Mumbai, the Mumbai friend will deliver the gift to internet friend at Philiphines.
The project cost me 10+165+71= 246
BAD:Office things were bad.
DEN/E searching for me for a lousy revised Estimate.
My assistants filling my table with proposals.
Niranjanappa wanting the S&T portions to be given to Arun.
Arun playing......
SEARCH: Let me write some sentences about search.
Life is a search.
There are several blogs to be searched.
Some times searching is tiresome.
After many searches we don't get the required search.
more sentences about search later.
PICTURE: If I want a particular picture in this area I should not try blog photo. I should make some exersise with html. Image source. I will do that.

As good as new... Sudarshan Patnayak, internationally acclaimed sand artist, with his sand replica of the Tajmahal with the real Tajmahal in the background in Agra on Monday. PTI
I could send some soap gift to an internet friend.
Bought the soap at Kaveri.
Packed it at the shop....sent by VRL to Mumbai, the Mumbai friend will deliver the gift to internet friend at Philiphines.
The project cost me 10+165+71= 246
DEN/E searching for me for a lousy revised Estimate.
My assistants filling my table with proposals.
Niranjanappa wanting the S&T portions to be given to Arun.
Arun playing......
Life is a search.
There are several blogs to be searched.
Some times searching is tiresome.
After many searches we don't get the required search.
more sentences about search later.
As good as new... Sudarshan Patnayak, internationally acclaimed sand artist, with his sand replica of the Tajmahal with the real Tajmahal in the background in Agra on Monday. PTI
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Say something about good bad and search. I shall write taking an idea from there.