The Good and the Bad at the moment! Passengers escaped unhurt when the Kanniyakumari Express derailed as a railway bridge was washed away in heavy rain near Kamasamudram railway station near Kolar Gold Fields on Sunday night. Many Tamil Nadu and Kerala-bound trains were cancelled while some have been diverted. DH Photo GOOD: WINDFALL They make hay while it rains in Bangalore By Shubha Narayanan DH News Service Bangalore: First the good news: Like Mumbai, Bangalore too has its share of good samaritans — strangers who will willingly lend a helping hand as you find your way in waist-deep water, give a push to a stranded car, and flash a cheerful smile as you groan over your soiled clothes. Now the bad: Good deeds, in Bangalore, cost money. For holding your hand while you wade your way out: Rs 15. For pushing a two-wheeler: Rs 100-Rs 150. For pushing a two-wheeler: Rs 250-Rs 300. For repairing a vehicle: Rs 300-Rs 500. The local population around Hosur Road has hit upon a profitable busine...