So many people are killed in KASHMIR TERRORISM.
Here at Hubli - scribbler is worried about his lethargy - his life's lethargic moments!
At the office what are the things moving slow?
1)Stock sheet
2)PF sheet
3)Kadam's OT
4)Chilakwads leave.
Where is scribblers money back policy document?
A thought about Volatary retirement, is appropriate at this moment,
When on March 29th this year scribbler will be completing 20 years of
Railway Service!
It is okay that he will get around 4 lakhs bucks!
Some 1 and 1/2 lakh will have tobe paid for the house, which is hypothicated
to the President of India.
What other talents does scribbler have to improve and earn - supposing he quits IR?
So scribbler stop this thinking at this moment.
Seen the congo valcanoe?
Seen the scared people coming out?
Do your present office problems pose more threat than this?


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