
Showing posts from January, 2002
"What some people mistake for the high cost living is really the cost of living high" - Doug Larson Diary writing is condensed to a three topic affair in the Readers Digest diary. The topics are: GOOD BAD AND TOPIC ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A sample of one or two days posting I shall blog when I blog next time.
So many people are killed in KASHMIR TERRORISM. Here at Hubli - scribbler is worried about his lethargy - his life's lethargic moments! At the office what are the things moving slow? 1)Stock sheet 2)PF sheet 3)Kadam's OT 4)Chilakwads leave. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Where is scribblers money back policy document? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A thought about Volatary retirement, is appropriate at this moment, When on March 29th this year scribbler will be completing 20 years of Railway Service! It is okay that he will get around 4 lakhs bucks! Some 1 and 1/2 lakh will have tobe paid for the house, which is hypothicated to the President of India. What other talents does scribbler have to improve and earn - supposing he quits IR? So scribbler stop this thinking at this moment. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Seen the congo valcanoe? Seen the scared people coming out? Do your present office problems p...
Scribble with LOVE Scribble with CONFIDENCE What is the purpose of my life? To act scared before the bearded punk? Does a chair and IRAS degree make him Omni potent? Oh! No! act scared before that dirty punk. Scribble...Scribble...It is the mission of my life.
Little scribble on PONGAL DAY. Sugarcane. Browse with children at Dishnet. Sweet Pongal. Ven Pongal. Vadai. Sugarcane with lime. Avvai Shanmugi. Jeans. This is the quotation with this scribble: "It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and a few by deceit" -Noel cowards.
It is Tuesday. Note regarding Family Pension for the two public sector retired employees:(when did I mention this in the blog?) has left Admn. Section towards pension section. There is still no answer to the unpaid computer repair bills. Mahanandu will not be available on Wednesday. Bearded man was not supposed to be available on Thursday: but he changed his programme he sent his son with Pujar and is very much available on Thursday....but I took leave and enjoying bologging. **************** Where and when did the Indian cricket team play their first cricket test? Ans: London Lords ground in the year 1932. ***************** I got three Mysore soaps during our Annual Accounts festival for the quiz contest! Jasmine, rose and sandal.
QUOTATION Only when a tree has fallen can you take the measure of it. It is the same with a man" "Honesty is probably the sexiest thing a man can give to a woman" "The best way to mend a broken heart is time and girl friends" Do you like these quotations? Then be my friend. mail to
I have to set aside Rs 496/- for my MBF. Round off Rs.500/- The amounts to be received from office imprest: Level two header Rubber Stamps: 155.00 Ambedkar Stamps: 93.00 Pilot pen 72.00 __________ Total 320.00 _____________ Okay...Okay.....No worry. Things will take care of themselves. Will Maruthi come today? When to set right Chilakwad? Where the heck is that Stock sheet? Kadam's O.T.? Okay... Okay...Don't worry. Things will take care of themselves. I want some friends through blog....mail me