
Showing posts from April, 2011

Satya Sai Baba

Tribute to Satya Sai Baba. 1926 - 2011

Happy images

THE Happy site of the day: DREAM3R


Was surfing very nicely on our LG cell phone. WAS roaming the prodigit Wap site. There are plenty of nice stuff in prodigit site. Brought two gif images to decorate my wap blog.

Post from our android phone

looking for making a post through our android. sharing two Pictures


Good morning. Just was browsing on my LG mobile different mobile sites. igoogle being one of my favorites. On Saturday we won the cricket world cup. Here are some pictures. Thanks to google images.

Jacqueline Winspear

messenger1.amr messenger.amr I was reading "Messenger of Truth " A war time mystery novel by Jacqueline Winspear. On a cold November afternoon, in London's Fitzroy Square, Georgina Bassington-Hope hesitates before the entrance to an elegant building. Will, Maisie Dobbs, private investigator be able to uncover the truth about her brother's apparent suicide? It was about the expression of art at the time of war. interesting.